Doin’ a life together

In 2015 Hayley and Andrew became lab partners at UCSD…
She hated the coding and he hated the report writing…

Since then, we’ve worked for a dozen companies, lived in 3 cities, and shared countless dry gin martinis. We’ve coached each other through salary negotiations and project deadlines. We’ve held hands crying during movies, during weddings, and during funerals.

We’ve torn up dancefloors and shut bars down. We’ve crashed off-roading and we’ve scuba dived with cracked ribs. We’ve been hungover, sunburnt, bug-bitten, and bruised all over and still encouraged each other to get up and go again.

We’ve loved and we’ve cherished, and we owe every bit of it to the beautiful people we have been fortunate enough to be surrounded with throughout our lives. We love each other and we love you.